Adolescent health in the Brazilian federal school system: a metasynthesis



School health services. Adolescent health. Health promotion.


The institutions of the federal educational network have their own health team and, therefore, have the possibility of developing multiple strategies for the  implementation  of School Health Program actions. This  study aimed to systematize and synthesize  the scientific production developed by  workers from the federal educational  network on adolescent health in the school  environment. This is a qualitative meta- synthesis carried out from searches on the  Virtual Health Library, Brazilian Digital  Library of Theses and Dissertations, and  Google. Content analysis was used for data  analysis. The sample consisted of 15  publications and 4 thematic units emerged:  pedagogical integration of health education in federal institutes; conception of  adolescence and adolescent health in the  school environment in federal institutes; perspectives of health work in federal  institutes with adolescents; and facilities  and difficulties in the development of  adolescent health in the school  environment in federal institutes. It was  found that the scientific production on the  subject is still incipient. Even in federal  institutes, it is necessary to advance in the  methodology of activities and in the topics  of health education developed. It is  necessary to stimulate youth protagonism,  transcending the hygienist and fragmented  aspects of school health.



How to Cite

Carvalho EL, Jesus LA de, Santos JO dos, Paz OS, Vieira GN, Neves R da F. Adolescent health in the Brazilian federal school system: a metasynthesis. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];46(especial 3 nov):227-43. Available from: