Axes of action of the School Health Program and Health Promotion: an integrative review



School health services. Disease prevention. Health Promotion.


This review reflects upon the theoretical basis and the axes of the School Health Program (SHP) and its articulation with the conceptions of Health Promotion (HP). The integrative review allows to combine studies with different methodological approaches and was carried out in the national scientific basis. The 38 scientific articles were grouped and analyzed according to the axes of action present in the regulation of the SHP. Conceptual and methodological aspects adopted in the conception and operationalization of the studies and of the HP were critically analyzed. References of HP in the program guideline and in most of the studies merge with the preventive model, centered on fragmented an individual actions. Researches about SHP should approximate theory and practice, strengthening principles such as integrality (of knowledge, of
subject and of care), intersectoriality (methodological and practical) and social participation, and recognize the socials determinants of health.



How to Cite

Lopes IE, Nogueira JAD, Rocha DG. Axes of action of the School Health Program and Health Promotion: an integrative review. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];42(118 jul-set):773-89. Available from: