Collective health, gender and sexuality: praxis for reproductive, erotic and gender justice



Collective health. Gender studies. Sexual and reproductive rights. Social justice.


This essay revisits aspects of the historical process of co- constitution in the field of collective health and gender  and sexuality studies in Brazil. It discusses how the image  objective of human rights, equity, valuing diversity, and  social justice are seminal to them. It reflects on how the  production of knowledge, political action, and the  development of new practices in the theoretical-political  field of gender and sexuality – particularly with the  expansion of intersectional and decolonial perspectives –  contribute to developing collective health as a field of  emancipatory practice. In this field, new possibilities of becoming a subject, weaving collectivities, and living in  common are experimented with; it also ventures into the  production of foundations and experiments that  contribute to the utopian horizon of a post-liberal and  decolonial justice that encompasses the body,  reproduction, health, and pleasures.



How to Cite

Bonan C. Collective health, gender and sexuality: praxis for reproductive, erotic and gender justice. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(especial 1 dez):e8683. Available from: