Trajectory of the 15 years of implementation of the School Health Program in Brazil


  • Lucas Agustinho Fernandes Universidade de Brasília (UNB)
  • Helena Eri Shimizu Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
  • Priscila Fernandes do Prado Neto Ministério da Saúde (MS)
  • Fabiana Vieira Santos Azevedo Cavalcante Ministério da Saúde (MS)
  • Juliana Rezende Melo da Silva Ministério da Saúde (MS)
  • Raphael Câmara Medeiros Parente Ministério da Saúde (MS)


School health services. Intersectoral collaboration. Health promotion. Primary Health Care. Public policy.


The aim of this study is to analyze the evolution of the implementation of the  School Health Program (PSE) over the 15  years in Brazil. A mixed methodological  approach was used, involving a  combination of document analysis and  ecological study with secondary data from  2007 to 2022 recorded in the historical  process of implementing the PSE in Brazil. It was observed that in these fifteen years the  PSE has advanced not only significantly  impacting the percentage of municipalities  that joined the Program, but also in its  structure and format, having the territory as the main locus of its development and the  articulation between health and education  as the driving strategy of local  arrangements. Furthermore, the PSE's  intersectoral management model helps the  articulation of health and education  networks in an interfederative manner.  Therefore, this historical analysis gives an  overview of school health in Brazil from the  perspective of the PSE and provides the  perspective of improvement necessary for  the sustainable and qualified continuity of  the Program.



How to Cite

Fernandes LA, Shimizu HE, Neto PF do P, Cavalcante FVSA, Silva JRM da, Parente RCM. Trajectory of the 15 years of implementation of the School Health Program in Brazil. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];46(especial 3 nov):13-28. Available from: