Care for families in the Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Center: an intervention-research with workers



Mental health services. Children´s health services. Adolescent health services. Family. Indicators of health services.


The present study addresses the way in which professionals from the Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Center (Capsi) understand families, the care that must be offered to them and thei rexpression in evaluation indicators. We carried out a fourth generation assessment, based on a constructivist theoretical basis, which involved: offering na extension course for Capsi workers, holding Shared Appreciation Groups (GAP) with narrative construction and validation, culminating in production workshop consensus. Participants recognized the need to carry out a systematic Record of data on families‒ in aspects such as family arrangement and dynamics, income, race / color and division of labor ‒that starts from the moment of reception to support the construction of the Singular Therapeutic Project (PTS). The need to build more horizontal and sensitive relationships to socio-cultural differences was considered na important challenge. To walk in the indicated directions, three quantitative indicators and a Guide to Good Practices were agreed. This is na unprecedented production in the context of assistance to children and adolescents, which meets quality criteria and dialogues with the literature in the área and can be used in Capsi, with possible adaptations according to the context.



How to Cite

Bustamante V, Campos RO. Care for families in the Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Care Center: an intervention-research with workers. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 23 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];44(especial 3 out):156-69. Available from: