Vol. 45 No. especial 2 dez (2021): Public health, science, and society

The Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes), together with the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (Ensp), of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), launch a special thematic issue on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on science and society. It brings together original articles, essays, reviews and a book review, which point to the challenge of building a new model of social development and to the urgent expansion of the regulatory and service provision role of the Unified Health System (SUS).
Topics covered: resilience in Brazilian cities and the COVID-19 pandemic; social inequality and vulnerability of indigenous peoples in the face of COVID-19; COVID-19 and Neglected Diseases in the face of inequalities in Brazil; digital technology to fight COVID-19; chronic diseases in the state of São Paulo during the COVID-19 pandemic; private sanitation concession and the incidence of COVID-19 in the favelas in Rio de Janeiro; from the ‘More Doctors’ Program to the COVID-19 pandemic: double denialism in the performance of the Brazilian medical corporation; COVID-19 in the work environment and the health of workers; monitoring of COVID-19 in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro; fear, risk, and vulnerability in times of COVID-19; stressors and protective factors of the COVID-19 pandemic in mental health; gender and the COVID-19 pandemic; government actions to address the misinformation crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic; book review ‘Fighting the first wave. Why the Coronavirus was tackled so differently across the global’ by Peter Baldwin.