Vol. 45 No. especial 2 dez (2021): Public health, science, and society

Saúde em Debate v. 45, n. especial 2, dez. 2021

The Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes), together with the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health (Ensp), of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), launch a special thematic issue on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on science and society. It brings together original articles, essays, reviews and a book review, which point to the challenge of building a new model of social development and to the urgent expansion of the regulatory and service provision role of the Unified Health System (SUS).

Topics covered: resilience in Brazilian cities and the COVID-19 pandemic; social inequality and vulnerability of indigenous peoples in the face of COVID-19; COVID-19 and Neglected Diseases in the face of inequalities in Brazil; digital technology to fight COVID-19; chronic diseases in the state of São Paulo during the COVID-19 pandemic; private sanitation concession and the incidence of COVID-19 in the favelas in Rio de Janeiro; from the ‘More Doctors’ Program to the COVID-19 pandemic: double denialism in the performance of the Brazilian medical corporation; COVID-19 in the work environment and the health of workers; monitoring of COVID-19 in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro; fear, risk, and vulnerability in times of COVID-19; stressors and protective factors of the COVID-19 pandemic in mental health; gender and the COVID-19 pandemic; government actions to address the misinformation crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic; book review ‘Fighting the first wave. Why the Coronavirus was tackled so differently across the global’ by Peter Baldwin.

Published: 2022-05-03

Original Article
