For a queer bioethics: perspectives from the Global South


  • Henrique Rabello de Carvalho Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj)
  • Fabio Alves Gomes de Oliveira Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)


Bioethics. Queer theory. LGBT Person. Human rights. Global South.


The aim of this article is to investigate the intersections between the LGBTI+ agenda and bioethics as a disciplinary field. This research is based on a qualitative analysis and bibliographic review that encompasses various topics related to bioethics, post-colonial studies, queer theory, human rights, and international relations. Through reflections on the political and social context that preceded the emergence of bioethics, focusing on the interpretation of sexuality and gender identity during colonial and imperial periods, we seek to understand how historical perspectives influenced the evolution of bioethics. Additionally, we aim to examine the consolidation of bioethics as a disciplinary field and area of scientific knowledge, highlighting the predominance of principlism in the second half of the 20th century. In this sense, we will analyze the potential of a feminist approach in bioethics to address the inequalities and oppressions present within its own structure, with a critical and reflexive view. Finally, we intend to present how the epistemological contributions of queer theory can support the development of a queer bioethics, from the Global South. These discussions aim to broaden the reflection on the inequalities and oppressions faced by the LGBTI+ community as a social group within the context of bioethics.



How to Cite

Carvalho HR de, Oliveira FAG de. For a queer bioethics: perspectives from the Global South. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(especial 1 dez):e9116. Available from: