Itineraries of transvestites and transsexuals accessing hormonal treatment at the AMIG (RJ) and characterization of service users


  • Patricia dos Santos Moquedace Instituto Estadual de Diabetes e Endocrinologia Luiz Capriglione (Iede)
  • Elvira Maria Godinho de Seixas Maciel Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)


Effective access to health services. Transsexualism. Transvestism. Comprehensive health care.


This article aimed to obtain a profile of and understand how transsexual and transvestite people gained access to  the health system up until referral to the reference unit for  hormonal monitoring at the Multidisciplinary Gender  Identity Outpatient Clinic in Rio de Janeiro state (AMIG).  Data were collected from 458 medical records to  characterize the clinic’s patients. Bertaux Life Narrative  method was employed for the interviews, with the  participation of 16 people, namely, six transsexual women,  two transvestites, and eight transsexual men. The results  indicate that most medical records (61%) are from trans  women; most clients served are Black (Black and brown)  and do not have chronic diseases. The analyzed interviews revealed that the problematic access was associated with  the perceived lack of health professionals’ qualifications,  the lack of a standardized protocol for regulation, and  centralized care in the reference unit. It is necessary to  develop a protocol for equity in regulation, the continuing  education of PHC professionals to clarify the transition  process and its needs, and the decentralization of the  transsexualization process in order to promote equitable  access. 



How to Cite

Moquedace P dos S, Godinho de Seixas Maciel EM. Itineraries of transvestites and transsexuals accessing hormonal treatment at the AMIG (RJ) and characterization of service users. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(especial 1 dez). Available from: