Inconsistency in notifications of violence in the State of Rio de Janeiro from 2015 to 2021



Health Information Systems. Disease notification. Violence. Human rights.


The objective was to identify inconsistencies in the completion of the notification form for violence in the State of Rio de Janeiro and to describe its trend from 2015 to  2021. This is a repeated panels study, using the database  of the National System of Notifiable Diseases (SINAN)  available by the State of Rio de Janeiro, but with age  restricted from 18 to 59 years. A total of 147,210  notifications were eligible for the study. Of these, in 33,117  (22.5%), the type of violence was not registered, but the  percentage has decreased in the period (β =-5.67; p <  0.001). Among the inconsistencies is the incompatibility in  the record of biological sex and gender identity (19.8%),  with stability in the period (p = 0.497). Records of types of  interpersonal violence and characteristics of the aggressor  were also identified in notifications of self-inflicted  violence, as well as records of means of aggression related  to physical violence in reports of psychological violence. The high percentage of inconsistencies indicates the need  to improve the information system and provide continued training for health professionals, given that notification is  fundamental for drawing up local diagnoses and  supporting intervention strategies to tackle violence.



How to Cite

Girianelli VR, Cordeiro GTL. Inconsistency in notifications of violence in the State of Rio de Janeiro from 2015 to 2021. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(especial 1 dez). Available from: