Challenges for adolescents’ health: reflections on diversity, dignity, and human rights


  • Doralice Sisnande dos Santos Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
  • Marcos Besserman Vianna Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)


Adolescents. Socio-education. Socio-educational measure. Reproductive health. Public policies.


The study examines the socio-educational system as a means of addressing violence, reflecting on its challenges,  and highlighting the importance of public policies that  promote diversity and respect the dignity of adolescents  The right to express their sexuality was also added and re- evaluated. The data was collected using experience  reports, participant observation and informal dialogues.  What emerged were prejudiced treatments, denial, and  neglect of rights as well as the maintenance of a system  with outdated actions that perpetuate themselves. These  findings highlight the need to overcome access barriers  quickly by strengthening education, investing in human  resources, government and inter-institutional  partnerships. The study identifies gaps in the knowledge  about the socio-educational system and proposes more  humanized and inclusive approaches to dealing with the  difficulties faced by adolescents undergoing socio- educational measures. It also suggests concrete  recommendations for raising social awareness with ethical, political, social and citizenship values, thus improving the  quality of care and protecting the human rights of these young people.



How to Cite

Santos DS dos, Vianna MB. Challenges for adolescents’ health: reflections on diversity, dignity, and human rights. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(especial 1 dez):e8287. Available from: