An analysis of the work process of health and education professionals in the PSE



Health education. Health promotion. Work.


Studies contribute to the School Health  Program. However, only some investigate  the work process of professionals to  understand the possible conformation of  intersectoral and integrated projects, or  technologies as mediators in work  practices. The present study sought to  analyze the practices of professionals in a  Family Health Unit/Primary Health Care unit in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. This qualitative  case study involved a Primary Health Care  unit and four schools. The data collection  procedures comprised semi-structured  interviews, document analysis, and  participant observation. The analysis  categories were built from the theoretical  framework of the health work process by  Mendes Gonçalves. The results showed:  weak partnership relationships between  agents; professionals’ perception of the  object of work, predominantly identifying  diseases and preponderant clinical  knowledge vis-à-vis the knowledge of collective health. Health actions gathered  the agents, but they presented hegemonic,  disjointed, sectoral practices, focused on  the disease, and conducted mainly through  lectures. No integrated and intersectoral projects or educational technology as an  additional resource in the work practices  were observed. The products deriving from  the participation of all will improve  articulation between the professionals working in these spaces.



How to Cite

Gonçalves PDS, Ferreira SC, Rossi TRA. An analysis of the work process of health and education professionals in the PSE. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];46(especial 3 nov):87-102. Available from: