Conjuncture Analysis of the Health: conceptual, methodological and technical aspects



Health policy. Analysis of situation. Methodology.


Scientific production in Health Policy has grown in recent years. However, the critical review of this literature points to little articulation between the theoretical and empirical dimensions in the research carried out, as well as a certain theoretical rarefaction. Something similar occurs in studies of conjuncture analysis that focus on the political process, power relations and the production of political facts in health. Hence the relevance of inquiring which theoretical, methodological and technical components are likely to be used in health analysis research and how to articulate them in a concrete investigation. This article aims to describe concepts and methodological procedures used in an analysis of the recent health situation, based on a research carried out. Based on the work I undertake, it discusses the difficulty in conducting research on the conjuncture analysis of the health, due to the absence of a manual on how to do it and the lack of detail on the methodological steps used in several publications. Even so, it concludes that the presented report can contribute to the systematization of the necessary steps to carry out these analyzes and to justify and guide a practical activity with a view to changing reality.



How to Cite

Reis CR, Paim J. Conjuncture Analysis of the Health: conceptual, methodological and technical aspects. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];45(130 jul-set):795-806. Available from: