Cartography of the struggle and resistance of an artisanal fishing community


  • Antonio Vladimir Félix-Silva Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)
  • Maylla Maria Souza de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)
  • Laís Leal da Silva Bezerra Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI)


Fisheries. Racism. Politics. Environmental health.


The peoples of the sea are threatened by the production of capitalist colonial subjectivity that has the power to end lives in water territories, coexisting with the power of life and the strength of the struggle for demarcation of these territories. In this study, we present a cartography of these fighting processes, aiming to show an analysis of the processes of subjectivation of artisanal fishermen and fisherwomen from a community of the Coastal Plain, located in Northeast Brazil. For data production, we used cartography; in order to make the knits that weave the network of this cartography, this way of doing research-intervention was articulated with the narrative of a native cartographer’s experience, granddaughter and daughter of fishermen and also artisan. The results of this self-writing point to self-care, an ethic and an aesthetic of the existence of a resisting community that resists, sometimes reinventing itself and expressing critical and creative singularization processes, sometimes subjecting itself to decisions and policies imposed by the powers of death against life in the territory.



How to Cite

Félix-Silva AV, Oliveira MMS de, Bezerra LL da S. Cartography of the struggle and resistance of an artisanal fishing community. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];44(especial 2 jul):303-15. Available from: