The eclipse between public and private: public financing of the private sector in light of the Brazilian Constitution



Unified Health System. Financing government. Supplemental health. Health care coordination and monitoring.


The design of the supplementary health system cannot be done in parallel, but in a true intersection zone with the SUS, within the Constitutional Square. The paths between the public and private subsystems reveal that, despite the Health Reform movement, the SUS and the supplementary system coexist symbiotically, in true concubinage of resources and patients, as a result of the structuring of the health system in conflict with the public health policies outlined. The dimension of private health contracts is not exhausted in the relationships between users and operators: there is a public interest, there are diverse, nonlinear relationships that determine the care provided, and therefore the look and performance of the Public Administrator cannot be limited. to verify the financial equilibrium of health contracts, but must achieve and regulate the quality of care to safeguard the public interest contained therein.



How to Cite

Ana Paula Azevedo Gomes A, Maciel EMG de. The eclipse between public and private: public financing of the private sector in light of the Brazilian Constitution. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(especial 4 dez):256-62. Available from: