Health Reform and different perspectives for indigenous health: experience report with the Potyguara

relato de experiencia con los Potyguara


  • Maria Lidiany Tributino de Sousa Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia (Ufob)


Health of Indigenous Populations. Indigenous Health Services. Ethnic groups.


When we think of a Sanitary Reform as a reform of society, other issues require our attention as colonization, genocide, racism. Colonization, the form of power of modernity, was organized within regimes of truth and authorizations that legitimize some knowledge to the detriment of others. The lack of clarity and insufficiency of the conceptions of health that are possible to be built with the native peoples promote fragilities in the institutional configuration and in the management process of SUS. As there is an invisibility in which indigenous health has been placed in Collective Health, an account will be made of the experiences of the meeting with Potyguara de Monsignor Tabosa in the state of Ceará during the years 2015-2017. The ways of living the health of the Potyguara express relationships between health and disease, as well as, relation of belonging to the earth is they say of the production of living and health.



How to Cite

Sousa MLT de. Health Reform and different perspectives for indigenous health: experience report with the Potyguara: relato de experiencia con los Potyguara. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];44(124 jan-mar):275-84. Available from: