Employment-Insurance Program implantation and workers’ health at automotive industry



Public policy. Economic recession. Employment. Labor unions. Labor relations.


The aim is to analyze the importance of Employment-Insurance Program in relation to workers’ health of ABC automotive industry. The methodology included a documentary research based on collective work agreements, legislation, companies’ and trade unions’ documents. In 2015, Brazilian government launched the Employment-Insurance Program as a response to the economic crisis, allowing working hours and salaries’ reduction (up to 30%) for a maximum of 24 months. The Program obtained support from employers and part of trade unionism. The results indicates that the Employment-Insurance Program is part of a new expansion cycle of economy, with productive transformations in automotive industry, enlarging and deepening work intensification as a form of workers’ wear. Besides, the Program participates of employers’ strategy to maintain productive work and exclude “compatible” workers – those with partial work inability. Employment-Insurance Program inclusion in labor reform makes it a permanent alternative for utilization by employers. Thus, it is an important theme to research and intervention in Public Health and Workers’ Health.



How to Cite

Eberhardt LD, Pina JA, Stotz EN. Employment-Insurance Program implantation and workers’ health at automotive industry. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(123 out-dez):1043-56. Available from: https://saudeemdebate.emnuvens.com.br/sed/article/view/2492