Medicines and translational research: steps, actors, and health policies in the Brazilian context



Translational medical research. Health systems. Health policy. Pharmaceutical services. Pharmaceutical preparations.


Translational research has come up with the purpose of reducing the time gap between basic research and its clinical application. As for what concerns medicines, this time
can reach decades, demanding the evaluation of barriers through translational research. Our aim was to review the literature in order to identify the steps of translational research, as well as normative acts, public health policies, and the key agents in the Brazilian context. For the identification of translational research framework, a systematic search was carried out on PubMed, Embase, and Lilacs databases, with 23 publications selected. Official websites were consulted to gather information on policies and actors. As a result, the literature initially pointed to one step (from bench to bedside), recently incorporating the additional steps of research
synthesis and the public health impact assessment. Several actors are transversally involved in translational research, such as universities, research institutions, and funding agencies. It is
observed that Brazil has implemented important policies in the fields of pharmaceutical services, research, science, technology, and innovation in health, which may potentially integrate resources, actors, and efforts aimed to the practical application of research results in clinical practice, improving the health and life condition of the population.



How to Cite

Lupatini E de O, Barreto JOM, Zimmermann IR, Silva EN da. Medicines and translational research: steps, actors, and health policies in the Brazilian context. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 17 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(especial 2 nov):181-99. Available from: