Social support and expectation of elderly care: association with sociodemographic variables, health and functionality


  • Leila Auxiliadora José de Sant' Ana Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP
  • Maria José D’Elboux Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Health of the elderly. Social support. Primary Health Care.


This study aims to evaluate the association between perceived and received support

and the expectation of care with the sociodemographic variables, health conditions and functional-
ity of the elderly in the community of the municipality of Várzea Grande, Mato Grosso state. It is

a cross-sectional study carried out with 348 elderly people. The data collection was carried out by
interviews, using an instrument with sociodemographic questions; health condition; functionality;
and perceived and received support network. Analyzes were performed using Chi-square or Fisher’s
Exact tests. Social support was evaluated positively among the elderly, recognizing the family as the
main provider, especially women. The expectation of care was associated to the spouse, by gender, age,
marital status and family arrangement, especially to daughters or daughters-in-law, while siblings
and paid professional were little mentioned. In old age, there is a greater reliance on support, due
to health and disability, however, there is a tendency to reduce the support network in old age. It is
important to develop care strategies for the elderly and family caregivers. It is hoped that this study
will subsidize the implementation of elder care actions.



How to Cite

Sant’ Ana LAJ de, D’Elboux MJ. Social support and expectation of elderly care: association with sociodemographic variables, health and functionality. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 May 7 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(121 abr-jun):503-19. Available from: