A governable body, a citizen body: the subjects of Brazilian official discourse on LGBT health
Sexuality. Health policy. Sexual and gender minorities.Abstract
This article, guided by the Foucauldian theoretical framework, aims to analyze which subjects
emerge in the statements that make up the official text of the Brazilian National LGBT Health Policy, seeing
such public health policy as a pedagogical artifact enhanced by the device of sexuality: aiming at forms of life ,
guiding the subject to stimulate a pedagogy of self-constitution with the purpose of making themselves visible – becoming a subject of rights – in the face of the norms set by the State for controlling bodies-sexualities.
Finally, we reaffirm that this health policy is an achievement arising from pro-democratic struggles waged by
the LGBT community over 40 years, among other movements. However, we can observe a biopolitical matrix
that permeates it, listing which bodies should be assisted by the State; many of these are indecipherable and
escape, because their performances in society and the names they adopt for themselves do not correspond to
the rules of identity capture postulated in it.
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