Programmatic vulnerability from the perspective of LGBTQIA+ professionals and older people: a scoping review



Disaster vulnerability. Aged. Sexual and gender minorities.


Programmatic vulnerability concerns access to and use of health resources, such as programs aimed at health  prevention, care, and rehabilitation. For LGBTQIA+ older  people, vulnerability issues are even more significant, since that group faces other social issues that reflect on the  preparation of professionals to provide care in health  services. The aim was to map the occurrence of  programmatic vulnerability among LGBTQIA+ older people. This is a scoping review, guided by the JBI  recommendations using the mnemonic P (LGBTQIA+ older  people), C (vulnerability), and C (healthcare programs). The documents were analyzed qualitatively using the R  Interface software, IRaMuTeQ. Two thematic categories  were identified: The construction of comprehensive care:  the role of health and social institutions in developing  actions aimed at the needs of LGBTQIA+ older people;  Programmatic vulnerability: gaps in care for older people  belonging to sexual minorities. This study identified that  situations of vulnerability are more evident in health  services, long-term care institutions, and in care provided  by health professionals, suffering from stigma and  prejudice.



How to Cite

Oliveira FMRL, Dantas AMN, Gomes GLL, Rodrigues RC dos S, Albuquerque FKO de, Barbosa KTF. Programmatic vulnerability from the perspective of LGBTQIA+ professionals and older people: a scoping review. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(especial 1 dez):e9073. Available from: