Critique of the modern-industrial medical institution based on the linguistic microsystem of Ivan Illich
Public health. Social sciences. Medicine. Language. Modernity.Abstract
Ivan Illich created an own terminology related to health. More than simple words, this author allows a different look at the contemporary medical institution and its relation with the current modern-industrial model of society. With an original academic production, it redefines the medical vocabulary, transforming a series of ideological terms into categories capable of unraveling naturalized logics by the current power in today’s society. Its academic production contributes to providing public health with a different critical approach in addressing problems, from the social sciences. Aiming to contribute to the construction of a glossary of terms capable of producing and transmitting a more acute critical view of the modern-industrial medical institution, from the linguistic microsystem of Illich, this article analyzes, in a narrative way, terms created and redefined by the author in his work ‘Medical nemesis’. Finally, the article proposes some keys to public health thinking, from the perspective of the author.