Brazil’s foreign policy and health (1995- 2010): A policy analysis of the Brazilian health diplomacy – from AIDS to ‘Zero Hunger’


Palabras clave:

Health diplomacy. International cooperation. Brazil.


This article analyses, from a policy analysis approach, how health entered Brazilian foreign policy between 1995 and 2010 and supported the country’s international position, which is rarely explored in the literature on Brazilian health diplomacy. By drawing on literature review, document analysis and key-actor interviews, we examined policies triggered by far-reaching and complex historical change processes in Brazil. We find significant interrelationships between foreign policy and social policy, including health. The internationalization of Brazilian domestic policies, and South-South cooperation, played a central role during Lula governments (2003-2010). Health found its way into the foreign policy agenda to support Brazil’s growing international presence. These developments were made possible by the activism and engagement of several of State and non-State actors working on two levels: national and transnational advocacy, and coordinated activities of government representatives, including Brazilian diplomats, and civil society activists. The main argument of this study is that national and international policies are intertwined in this process and that domestic dynamics and societal engagement are essential but more is needed: governmental choices are also determinant. Institutional arrangements and policies shift in different conjunctures and are constantly prone to conflicts and change.



Cómo citar

Almeida C, Lima TS, Campos RP de. Brazil’s foreign policy and health (1995- 2010): A policy analysis of the Brazilian health diplomacy – from AIDS to ‘Zero Hunger’. Saúde debate [Internet]. 14 de mayo de 2023 [citado 14 de marzo de 2025];47(136 jan-mar):17-38. Disponible en:



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