Body-map storytelling: case study on the living and care of women with HIV



HIV. Unified Health System. Health care. Primary Health Care.


The objective of the study was to understand the living and health care of women living with HIV/AIDS,  identifying potentialities and challenges,  understanding the effects on living with HIV/AIDS in  the daily lives of these women and the relationships  with the health care network in Porto Alegre. The municipality has HIV/AIDS detection rates six times  higher than the national rates and in 2019 reached 17.6 cases/1,000 live births. A descriptive exploratory  study was carried out, of the case study type, and the production of data used the construction of a  narrated body map. Four women with a confirmed  diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, linked to to a primary health  care in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,  participated. Body maps and narratives made it  possible to discover a universe populated by stigma,  prejudice, fears, and insecurities. The production of  health care for women living with HIV/Aids requires  the participation of different fields of knowledge, a  wide and planned performance of professionals, and,  therefore, the construction of care itineraries that  meet the demands of these people in a humanized  and welcoming way, as well as through public policies that strengthen the health care network to face  stigma and prejudice.



How to Cite

Spader AR, Pires FS, Silva NM da. Body-map storytelling: case study on the living and care of women with HIV. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];46(135 out-dez):1123-38. Available from: