Almanac of Emotions for children and adolescents in times of pandemic


  • Daniella Teixeira Dantas Gouget Centro Hematológico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Joanna D’Arc Barbosa Bastos Centro Hematológico do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Emotions. Child. Adolescent. Disease. Pandemics.


The pandemic context has brought health problems, that actualize, in the subjectivity of children and  adolescents in a situation of illness, a suffering that is  difficult to address, but that needs to be expressed and elaborated, in favor of the flow of treatment. The  Almanac of Emotions emerged from the concern of two psychologists to offer their patients – in a  pediatric ward of a Hematological Center in the State  of Rio de Janeiro – means of access to the symbolic  expression. Through free symbolic manifestations, we believe it is  possible to represent what is happening in the  subjectivity of these subjects, in relation to the  following themes: pandemic, life, world, humanity,  their own feelings, the treatment they undergo in the  hospital, and the current changes from the pandemic.  In this way, through the ‘Almanaque das Emoções’  tool, we seek to collect subjective material of children  and adolescents during the context of the pandemic  in hospitalization, favoring the recognition and  management of children’s emotions. The analysis of  the material, through the psychoanalytic approach,  has favored a greater proximity to the child’s subjectivity, enabling the reception.



How to Cite

Gouget DTD, Bastos JDB. Almanac of Emotions for children and adolescents in times of pandemic. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];46(especial 5 dez):310-24. Available from: