Reconnecting lives: health care practices from the perspective of People Living With HIV/AIDS



HIV. AIDS. Humanization of assistance. Social stigma. Community participation.


The study aimed to identify strategies to qualify the practices of health care destined to People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), especially the accompanying at  health care services. Four pedagogical workshops  were carried out, between September 2021 and  February 2022, in which PLWHA who live in Belo  Horizonte and Metropolitan region were invited to  share their experiences regarding HIV/AIDS and to  reflect about how formal and informal groups,  represented graphically by the technique of Venn Diagram, can contribute to qualify health care  practices destined to PLWHA. Twenty PLWHA joined the study; thirteen cisgender men, six cisgender  women and one trans woman. The elements included  at the Diagram have been categorized at dimensions:  structural, informational, and relational. The results demonstrate that, despite the advance at structural  dimension, we have evolved very little when it comes to main elements from relational and informational  dimensions. The morals metaphors about HIV/AIDS and the stigma remain modeling practices of health  care for PLWHA, emphasizing the urgent  reconstruction of these practices. We comprehend  that this reconstruction demands the rescue of the  participation and citizenship, consolidated by the  empowerment of assistance policies and prevention  to HIV/AIDS as well the assurance of human rights.



How to Cite

Carmo RF, Moura HC de, Ribeiro RS, Santos LC dos, Fonseca CMS, Luz ZMP da. Reconnecting lives: health care practices from the perspective of People Living With HIV/AIDS. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];46(135 out-dez):1107-22. Available from: