Big Data and artificial intelligence for translational research in COVID-19: a rapid review



Translational research, biomedical. Artificial Intelligence. Machine learning. COVID-19.


The objective of this study was to identify how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used for translational research in the context of COVID-19. A  rapid review was carried out to identify the use of AI techniques in the translation of technologies to face  COVID-19. A search strategy was used based on  MeSH terms and their respective synonyms in seven  databases. Of the 59 articles identified, eight were  included. We identified 11 experiments that used AI  for translational research in Covid-19: prediction of  drug efficacy; predicting the pathogenicity of SARS- CoV-2; imaging diagnosis for COVID-19; predicting  the incidence of COVID-19; estimates of the impact of COVID-19 on society; automation of sanitizing  hospital and clinical environments; screening of infected and possibly infected people; monitoring the  use of masks; prediction of patient severity; patient  risk stratification; and prediction of hospital resources. Translational research can help in productive and  industrial development in health, especially when  supported by AI methods, an increasingly important  tool, especially when discussing the Fourth Industrial  Revolution and its applications in health.



How to Cite

Ramos MC, Gomes DF, Mello NF de, Silva EN da, Barreto JOM, Shimizu HE. Big Data and artificial intelligence for translational research in COVID-19: a rapid review. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];46(135 out-dez):1202-14. Available from: