Judicialization of health: the theses of the STF


  • Lenir Santos Instituto de Direito Sanitário Aplicado (Idisa)


Health’s judicialization. Unified Health System. Right to health.


This article intends to systematize and analyze the legal theses signed by the Supreme Federal Court (STF) in relation to the judicialization of health. The STF has been pronouncing on the subject quite frequently, having in the set of its decisions, signed six theses of general repercussion, that is, which obliges all magistrates. The judicialization of health has been growing and controversial, both because of the decisions of the magistrates and because of its intensity, affecting the management of the Unified Health System (SUS) by its leaders, especially Brazilian municipalities.

The present study aims to systematize the judges of the Supreme Court for a better understanding of public agents and the citizen regarding the constitutional legal understanding of the Superior Court for better guidance regarding the defenses of public entities and the demands of citizens who feel helpless in their health needs.

This systematization is accompanied by critical analysis when the decisions that now hang the balance to one side or the other, when the best judgment is what keeps the balance. But not always, in the view of society and SUS managers, the balance is maintained in its desired balance. And the present work consists of these notes.



How to Cite

Santos L. Judicialization of health: the theses of the STF. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];45(130 jul-set):807-18. Available from: https://saudeemdebate.emnuvens.com.br/sed/article/view/5124