Needs in health/health needs: concepts, implications and challenges for the Brazilian Unified Health System


  • Leonardo Carnut Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
  • Camila Biancchi Ferraz Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


Unified Health System. Healthcare financing. Right to health. Health policy. Equity in the resource allocation.


This study reviewed systematically the literature on ‘health needs’ and its application in the Unified Health System (SUS). It was an integrative review using the Bireme portal. Portuguese and Spanish were the languages ​​used and the full texts only about SUS were recovered. 17 articles were included, of which 88.8% were indexed in the LILACS. There is a varied form of appropriation of the theme ‘health needs’. Because it is a very broad concept, many of the authors do not delimit its definition, directing it to three meaning: ‘constituted social right’, ‘articulated set of the effectiveness of social rights’ and ‘adjustment between living and working conditions with the inherent diversity of collectivities’. Regarding the implications for SUS, a varied range was presented that could be compiled in 7 blocks: ‘capitalism and its crisis’, ‘financing’, ‘characteristics of the Brazilian social formation’, ‘problems of public health management’, ‘public-private mix’, ‘terminological problems’ and ‘scarcity of resources’. The main challenges of applying for needs in the SUS were the symbolic, the political critic, the coherence between funding-principles, the State, macroeconomic policy, management and local actions. Investing in overcoming the challenges listed can be a guide in realizing needs as the center of health action.



How to Cite

Carnut L, Ferraz CB. Needs in health/health needs: concepts, implications and challenges for the Brazilian Unified Health System. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];45(129 abr-jun):451-66. Available from: