Access to medicines: application of constitutional selectivity in tax on circulation of goods and services



Access to essential medicines and health technologies. Right to health. Drug price. Constitution and bylaws.


Access to medicines may be limited by their high prices impacted by taxation, especially the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS). This paper discusses the application of the principle of selectivity in the ICMS and its impacts on the tax burden of medicines, with a reflection on the ability of citizens to pay for medicines. The method was literature review, based on documents, norms and theoretical
background of Carrazza. The article is divided into three sections: General overview of taxes on medicines; Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services and Principle of selectivity as a vector of human dignity. It was also sought to debate the doctrinal counterpoints, bringing important discussions on the application of selectivity foreseen in the Brazilian Constitution. It was possible to verify tax benefits involving the applicable federal taxes on medicines in the national tax system. It is concluded that the non-application of the principle of
selectivity in the ICMS can cause problems, especially regarding the abandonment of treatment and in the
occurrence of higher expenses than families can afford, which violates the principle of universality of health making its equity difficult.



How to Cite

Michelli LD de MF, Vilardo MAT, Silva RM da. Access to medicines: application of constitutional selectivity in tax on circulation of goods and services. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 13 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(especial 4 dez):83-94. Available from: