Transboundary river basins: sanitation and environmental health without borders


  • Maurício Pinto da Silva Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL)
  • Rafaela Facchetti Assumpção Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
  • Debora Cynamon Kligerman Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)


Water/River Basin, Border, Sanitation, Environmental health.


The interconnection of subjects like environment, health and sanitation are increasingly central in society. The concerns derive from the irresponsible form of the human relations established with the environment, characterized by the excessive and inconsequent way of utilization the goods of nature. Such conduct has had unforeseeable environmental impacts, that most of the time go beyond borders between States. In this context, the transboundary water basins are made up of two States or more, embodying a delimited area for the planning, management, and cooperation in the sanitation field. The study’s aim is to elicit the debate regarding the topics of sanitation and environmental health in transboundary water basins. In methodological terms, the bibliographic review and the documental study were chosen, having the Brasil-Uruguay Mirim-São Gonçalo River Basin Treaty as the objective of analysis. The results indicate the necessity of knowledge broadening about the management instruments in transboundary water basins. The institucional socio-politics articulation between the actors must be intensified, with emphasis in a transboundary comprehensiveness, allowing the adoption of integrated basin plans, as well as strategic action in different demands, reducing conflicts, and creating a reciprocity scene, appreciation of citizenship and environmental sustainability.



How to Cite

da Silva MP, Assumpção RF, Kligerman DC. Transboundary river basins: sanitation and environmental health without borders. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];44(124 jan-mar):251-62. Available from: