Effectiveness of participation of a municipal health council in the Brazilian South region



Health councils. Social control, formal. Community participation. Effectiveness. Health systems.


This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of social participation in a municipal health council, with the purpose of producing information that contributes to the improvement of deliberative democracy. This is a case study, with a qualitative approach, on the Municipal Health Council of Criciúma (SC), using semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. The data organized and systematized resulted in two thematic categories, namely: empowerment and decision. Usually the members who are in the first management and therefore have not yet been trained, have less knowledge about their role as counselors when compared with the older counselors in the institution, noting that when educational practices are employed appropriately can minimize the asymmetries that permeate the performance of health counselors and achieve desirable levels of influence of these actors in public control. In addition, the members presented a positive performance, encouraging community participation and impact on access and quality of health services, leveraging practical results and progress according to the local needs highlighted by the population. In this scenario, it is evident the importance of informing and raising the awareness of the counselors, in order to broaden their political, ethical and theoretical knowledge.



How to Cite

Bortoli FR, Kovaleski DF. Effectiveness of participation of a municipal health council in the Brazilian South region. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(123 out-dez):1168-80. Available from: https://saudeemdebate.emnuvens.com.br/sed/article/view/2191