An experience of georeferencing and mapping use in the process of territorialization in Primary Health Care


  • Melina Alves de Camargos Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
  • Fátima Corrêa Oliver Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


Public health. Primary Health Care. Geographic mapping. Integrality in health.


This article aims to report the experience of using tools that instrumentalize the process of territorialization in Primary Health Care. As methodological resources to guide the insertion and apprehension of problem situations, participant observation and field diary were used. The insertion with Family Health and Primary Care Extended Centers (Nasf-AB) provided the apprehension of the problems, and, with this, it was decided to develop mapping and georeferencing in order to collaborate with the process of territorialization of the unit, visibility of services and populations. The process of territorialization, which goes beyond bureaucratic incidents, has proved to be a challenge for professionals. It was possible to build tools with the Basic Health Unity teams in question, that could be north to other teams and health equipment.



How to Cite

Camargos MA de, Oliver FC. An experience of georeferencing and mapping use in the process of territorialization in Primary Health Care. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];43(123 out-dez):1259-6. Available from: