Scientific production on health teaching in Brazil
Faculty. Education, higher. Health personnel. Professional training. Health manpowerAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyze the scientific production on health teaching in Brazil, seeking to identify the main research themes, approaches, and possible knowledge gaps. A synthesis study was carried out from published articles on the subject. We considered national studies, with text in Portuguese, published until 2017 in SciELO and Lilacs. A total of 99 studies were analyzed, identifying points of convergence between the subjects addressed, being the following categories extracted/defined: Teaching practice; Teacher training; Teacher profile; Teaching identity; Teacher trajectory and Teacher’s health. The years that had the highest concentration of publications were 2011 (13.3%), 2016 (13.13%) and 2017 (11.11%). The quantitative distribution
by type of study shows that 71.8% have an empirical basis. The Southeast region had the highest concentration (55.55%), followed by the South region (18.18%) and the Northeast region (17.17%). In terms of thematic categories, there was a predominance of teaching practice (36.3%), followed by teacher training (31.3%) and teacher’s health (18.2%). The theme of teaching in health presents numerous gaps, reaffirming the need for investments in research that bring solutions to the challenges of health education in the contemporary world.
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