Vol. 47 No. 136 jan-mar (2023): Saúde em Debate
Excerpts from the editorial of the first issue of ‘Saúde em Debate’ of 2023 – ‘The reconstruction of the SUS and the fight for rights and democracy’: “The Unified Health System (SUS) is going through one of its most serious crises. Since the 2016 coup, several health policies and programs have been insidiously and deliberately disrupted. Both the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (Cebes), through positions and outstanding political action as one of the coordinating entities of the Front for Life (FpV), and the journal ‘Saúde em Debate’, in several editorials and articles published in that period, significantly contributed to the critical analysis and denunciation of the enormous damage to Brazil caused by the Temer and Bolsonaro administrations. [...] . The only reason why the situation was not even more critical is because of the resilience demonstrated by the SUS, to which the responses produced by state and municipal managers and the selflessness and capacity for reinvention of its workers contributed greatly [...]”.
Brazil’s foreign policy and health (1995-2010); Hospital Component in the Emergency Care Network; HIV self-test among adolescent Men who have Sex with Men, and travestis and transgender women; Descolado Program in preventing drug use in the school contexto; Oral health of homeless women; Schizophrenia, the biomedical model and media coverage; Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health; Accuracy of the information on websites about visceral leishmaniasis; COVID-19 Information Needs; Primary care workers in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic; exclusive beds for COVID-19 in the state of Espírito Santo; violence against Brazilian multiprofessional residents during the pandemic; offer of hospitals and hospital beds in the state of Amazonas in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic; Precarious work in Territorial Psychosocial Care; Primary Health Care as an antidote against de-democratization and neoliberal necropolitics; Practices in primary care: comparative analysis between Brazil and Portugal; Work and suicide risk; Epidemiology and human emancipation: principles of justice; Cadmium exposure and Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy; ‘Street Outreach Teams’: HIV/AIDS, drugs and Harm Reduction.