Vol. 45 No. especial 1 out (2021): Women, Sciences, and Health

Saúde em Debate v. 45, n. especial 1, OUT. 2021 - Mulheres, Ciências e Saúde

“The special issue ‘Women, Sciences, and Health’ was built from the many views and contributions of authors from different fields of knowledge, which came together to bring new and different perspectives of analysis. The pertinence and social, political, and scientific relevance of this theme have been emphasized in the growing context of debates on the role of women in the production of knowledge, with emphasis on feminist and gender studies, in conjunction with practices and research in health” – Opening of the presentation of the scientific editors invited for the construction of this special issue of ‘Saúde em Debate’.

It gathers topics such as: black professors in postgraduate courses in health: between structural racism and the feminization of care; epistemological violence to their own epistemologies: narrative experiences with peripheral cis women, trans women, and transvestites; feminist contributions and gender issues in Primary Health Care practices in the SUS; Black Women’s Science; women in medical and health sciences and Brazilian publications on COVID-19; gender differences among speakers at dental congresses in Brazil; gender inequalities by field of ​​knowledge in Brazilian science; presence of women in the patenting activity in Brazil; COVID-19 pandemic narrated by women health professionals; Lygia Clark: breaths to enchant the experience of care; social relations of sex/gender, work, and health: contributions by Helena Hirata; occupational therapy: a feminine or feminist profession; feminist epistemologies for situated obstetric practice; women researchers in the midst of the pandemic; female leadership: report of the first meeting of women Family and Community Physicians in Brazil; women in technology management and clinical engineering: the case of lung ventilators in COVID-19; from social sciences to public health: interview with Maria Andrea Loyola.

Published: 2021-10-19

Original Article


Case Study