Landless Workers Movement and rural healthcare: integrative review of the state of art



Health care reform. Unified Health System. Rural health.


This work aims to characterize the scientific material which has been produced about the Landless Workers Movement (MST) until 2016, with emphasis on the  identification and analysis of those works that deal  with the topic of ‘Health’. This work also strives to  identify this Movement’s health practices, conceptions, and projects. The results show that due to the recariousness of the living conditions in the settlements, the  residents, such as workers, women and children, were  found to have numerous of their needs and health  problems unaddressed. One can observe that among  the Movement’s leaders there is a comprehensive  understanding of Health as well as different  perceptions regarding the participation of the MST in  the instances of social control of the Brazilian Unified  Health System (known as SUS). The author concludes  by directing the reader’s attention to the fact that this  is a topic that is still lacking more in-depth research.  More studies need to be done on the movement,  especially those that will further analyze the  relationship of the MST and the Brazilian Health  Reform.



How to Cite

Barros LDV, Teixeira CF. Landless Workers Movement and rural healthcare: integrative review of the state of art. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];42(especial 2 out):394-406. Available from: