Trans identity and access to health in Macaé (RJ)



Comprehensive health care. Sexual and gender minorities. User embracement. Primary Health Care.


The LGBT Clinic in Macaé (RJ) operates daily to provide health care for LGBTQIA+ people. This service is part of a  network, including the Pedro Ernesto University Hospital  and the Casa de Convivência clinic. The service has  predominantly served transvestites and transgender  people. This study aimed to investigate how trans people  access the LGBT Clinic in Macaé. We sought to discuss  gender issues, as LGBTQIA+ people have increasingly  arrived at health clinics with specific demands, which  creates the need for improvement for such a public. This  qualitative research was conducted with thirteen users of  the LGBT Clinic who selfdeclared transgender. As a result,  several cases were confirmed in which the populations  studied did not find adequate help in other health services. Furthermore, the LGBT Clinic was provenly a receptive  healthcare space for trans and transvestite people in the  region.



How to Cite

Souza VT de, Motta JIJ, Oliveira MHB de. Trans identity and access to health in Macaé (RJ). Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(especial 1 dez):e9121. Available from: