Reporting violence against the LGBTQIA+ population from the perspective of ESF/NASF professionals in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro


  • Valdete Maria Silva Fundação Osvaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca (Ensp)
  • Gisela Cordeiro Pereira Cardoso Fundação Osvaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca (Ensp)
  • Dolores Maria Franco de Abreu Fundação Osvaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca (Ensp)


Gender-based violence. Notification. Persons, LGBTQ. Family health.


The objective of the study was to analyze reports of violence against the LGBTQIA+ population
from the perspective of professionals from the Family Health Strategy (ESF) and the Expanded Family Health and Primary Care Center in two clinics in the Planning Area (AP 5.1) in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. Data on violence against the LGBTQIA+ population was collected from the municipality’s information system
from 2013 to 2022. The study characterized professionals’ perceptions of what constitutes violence reporting and described facilitators and difficulties in identifying violence against the LGBTQIA+ population. Key factors among the facilitators include qualified listening and the use of a violence spreadsheet by the Programmatic
Area Coordinator. Difficulties include failure to identify LGBTI-phobic violence as a significant demand, difficulty in the reception approach, professional prejudice against the LGBTQIA+ population, and failure to use the identity, sexual orientation, and social name requirements. The strategies identified to face the difficulties involve Permanent Health Education actions for the LGBTQIA+ population with the following
themes: an approach to receptions, elucidation of concepts of gender identity, sexual orientation, and public policies and violence.



How to Cite

Silva VM, Cardoso GCP, Abreu DMF de. Reporting violence against the LGBTQIA+ population from the perspective of ESF/NASF professionals in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(especial 1 dez):e9062. Available from: