Integrative review: studies on harm reduction aimed at the population of trans women and transvestites



Harm reduction. Transvestism. Transgender persons. Human rights.


We present the research findings of the master’s thesis with an integrative approach, which aimed to revisit  publications with an LGBTQIA+ theme in scientific journals.  By focusing on the Harm Reduction (HR) strategy, this  research aimed to identify the practices conducted for the  trans population and contextualize how HR can contribute  to building bonds in healthcare. Data were collected in the  LILACS and SciELO databases. We retrieved 110 articles  published from 2005 to 2020 in Portuguese. Their  summaries were read in full. Seven approaches were  identified: HR as a public policy strategy; violence  experienced in the transition trajectories followed by  transvestites; assistance to the LGBTQIA+ population;  health professionals can provide truly person-centered,  humanized care, with active listening; healthcare and  hormonization as a feminine construction process; social  movements; education and affirmative actions for  continued study and professional placement. Thus, the  research contributes to expanding knowledge and  understanding about LGBTQIA+ issues. The specific  demands of transvestites and transsexuals in their search  for care in health services are explained in order to  understand how HR can be a health care strategy for the  trans population.



How to Cite

Ribas SM, Silva AB. Integrative review: studies on harm reduction aimed at the population of trans women and transvestites. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(especial 1 dez):e8976. Available from: