Primary Health Care Qualification for laboratory diagnosis of COVID-19 in the Federal District, 2020-2021



Surge Capacity, Primary Health Care, Public Health Surveillance, Covid-19


The Covid-19 pandemic required the reorganization of Basic Health Units (UBS) to ensure greater laboratory diagnostic capacity in a timely manner, which required trained health professionals, availability of inputs/materials and adequate sample management strategies at the Central Laboratory (LACEN). In 2020-2021, the structure of UBS in the Federal District (DF) was evaluated through an analytical cross-sectional census study. Data collection was remote through structured interviews and a self-completed questionnaire. Statistical analysis was carried out in Software R, comparing UBS-Sentinela with UBS-Tradicional. Training in rapid testing and/or Swab sample collection among nurses was almost universal (>99%) and among nursing technicians it was high (70%); on the other hand, only 9% of doctors received any training. A defined flow was registered to forward samples to LACEN in 89% of UBS, aiming to diagnose SARS-CoV-2; The deadlines for returning laboratory results were met in 70% of cases. Inputs, materials and equipment were available in sufficient quantities, especially at UBS-Sentinela. In these, 63% of the teams knew the MA-LACEN-0007 collection manual, compared to 35% of the teams at UBS-Tradicional (p<0.001). Despite the challenges, the DF showed a satisfactory response capacity regarding the laboratory diagnosis of Covid-19.



How to Cite

Vieira Cavalcante F, Sacco R da CC e S, Oliveira A, Passos TS, Machado de Alencar T, Pacheco Santos Martin C, et al. Primary Health Care Qualification for laboratory diagnosis of COVID-19 in the Federal District, 2020-2021. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];48(142 jul-set):e8918. Available from: