Patient safety assessment study in Primary Health Care



Patient safety. Primary Health Care. Health evaluation.


Patient safety in Primary Health Care (PHC) is concerned with reducing errors and adverse events  related to health care, but there are few studies  developed with the application of evaluative models on the subject in this context. This study aimed to  develop and propose an evaluation model of patient  safety in PHC. An evaluability study was carried out  through document analysis, literature review,  proposition of models and validation of models  through consensus conference. Ideally, the theory of  the program, presented in the Theoretical Model,  shows that resources, safety culture, care processes  and permanent education are components that  enable the implementation of the program, which  need to be discussed and improved with the  involvement of management, professionals and the  patients/family members and caregivers themselves, being, therefore, explored in the Logical Model and  assumed as fundamental for the provision of safer  care in PHC when they interact articulately. In the  Analysis and Judgment Matrix, these four components assume the same weight in the calculation that will  determine the degree of implementation of patient  safety in PHC. The modeling presented can be used  by different actors, from different contexts, to explore  and improve patient safety in PHC.



How to Cite

Macedo TR, Calvo MCM, Possoli L, Natal S. Patient safety assessment study in Primary Health Care. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];47(138 jul-set):462-77. Available from: