Sexual abuse against children: building coping strategies in Primary Health Care in a municipality in the metropolitan region of Recife



Violence. Child abuse, sexual. Primary Health Care. National health strategies. Children’s health.


This is an action-research study, analytical in nature, with a qualitative approach to data collection and  analysis. It aimed to build, together with the  professionals of the Family Health team of a city in the metropolitan region of Recife, strategies to face sexual abuse against children. The Culture Circle was used as the collection and intervention technique, in which  five meetings were held. The results were analyzed  using Content Analysis and were divided into four  blocks, which address: 1. The concept of sexual abuse  against children; 2. Strategies to prevent cases of  sexual abuse against children; 3. How to intervene in  the face of suspected and/or confirmed cases of  sexual abuse against children present in the territory,  and 4. Building strategies to combat sexual abuse  against children. We conclude this study stating that  there is still a great need to work on this issue with  the Family Health teams, since most professionals had  never participated in a meeting on this subject.  Consequently, we perceive several weaknesses in their  knowledge. Furthermore, it is important to  strengthen permanent education, aiming at the  continuity of discussions on this and other themes  inherent to the professional practice of workers.



How to Cite

Batista MKB, Gomes W da S, Villacorta JAM. Sexual abuse against children: building coping strategies in Primary Health Care in a municipality in the metropolitan region of Recife. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];46(especial 5 dez):208-20. Available from: