Longitudinality and comprehensiveness on the More Doctors Program: an evaluative study


  • Max Felipe Viann Vianna Gasparini Universidade de São Paulo
  • Juarez Pereira Furtado Universidade Federal de São Paulo


Program evaluation. Health consortia. Integrality in health. Continuity of patient care.


This study aims to investigate influences of the More Doctors Program regarding the attributes of longitudinality and comprehensiveness in primary care, by means of a case study in two cities using ethnography, interviews, and focal groups. The results indicate positive effects regarding the longitudinality, coming from the relation of the doctors with the health users, humanized reception, therapeutic bond creation, availability to make home visits, and supporting the healthcare team. Despite the doctors of the program recognize the importance of the principle of comprehensiveness of care in the relation with the users, the effective consideration of such attribute is restrict, which is explained by the excess of daily attendance, perspective conflicts with other workers, and limits in the structure and working method of the healthcare network. In conclusion, the characteristics of the doctors associated with the format of their contracting for the provision of doctors in the health units contribute to reach of longitudinality. On the other hand, to reach comprehensiveness, structural changes are required, such as the continuous training of the teams and a rearrangement of the work, and it remains barely influenced by the addressed program.



How to Cite

Gasparini MFVV, Furtado JP. Longitudinality and comprehensiveness on the More Doctors Program: an evaluative study. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];43(120 jan-mar):30-42. Available from: https://saudeemdebate.emnuvens.com.br/sed/article/view/651