The Brazilian Health Reform during the Dilma governments: an analysis of the conjuncture



Health care reform. Health policy. Unified Health System.


The Brazilian Health Reform (RSB) represents a social reform and can be analyzed as an idea, proposal, movement, project and process. There are few investigations and studies examining the RSB process in recent conjunctures. This article aims to carry out a conjuncture analysis in the period corresponding to the Dilma Rousseff governments, considering the political facts produced in health, the disputed projects and the performance of subjects. This is a case study, based on a Marxist framework and using a methodology for analyzing the situation between the president's inauguration and impeachment, with a view to identifying facts produced and disseminated in the media, in publications and websites. as references the RSB project and the development of the Unified Health System (SUS), indicates that the RSB process underwent changes in the period due to changes in the correlation of forces, both in the sector and in society. It concludes that the setback of the RSB process may be associated with the regressive nature of the changes in the situation triggered after the June 2013 Days.



How to Cite

Reis CR, Paim JS. The Brazilian Health Reform during the Dilma governments: an analysis of the conjuncture. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];45(130 jul-set):563-74. Available from: