Trajetórias compartilhadas: experiências de estudantes, usuários e familiares de serviços de saúde mental em ações de ensino- aprendizagem em saúde


  • Maria Ines Badaro Moreira Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)


Saúde mental. Capacitação profissional. Educação em saúde. Usuários.


This article aims to analyze the role of people with intense psychological distress in the teaching-learning actions in health, a fundamental component of activities within the scope of the university tripod. This space for sharing knowledge about mental health reveals the importance of knowing the experience in the academic space and also highlights ways of learning and teaching about the different nuances of experiencing intense psychological suffering in freedom. It highlights the effects of these actions for participants, with an emphasis on promoting debate on the constant struggle for the guarantee of human rights in the field of mental health, and with that points to the creation of new forms of social interaction and exchanges. It concludes that the experience of learning-teaching about the field of mental health with the participation of users and family members has been transforming the concept of care, integrality and the meaning of health work.



How to Cite

Moreira MIB. Trajetórias compartilhadas: experiências de estudantes, usuários e familiares de serviços de saúde mental em ações de ensino- aprendizagem em saúde. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];44(127 out-dez):1189-200. Available from: