Care for crisis in contemporaneity: challenges in the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform



Psychosocial care. Crisis intervention. User embracement. Mental health.


In this essay, we address the ways of approaching and embracing the experience of crisis within the scope of Brazilian mental health, considering that this event is one of the strategic challenges to the current phase of psychosocial care. This heterogeneous demand stems from the suffering produced by the collective and individual effects due to the changes of contemporary life in the Western world, considering that the Brazilian scenario increasingly involves situations associated with ruptures and violence. Due to
such characteristics, the embracement of crisis and urgent clinical assistance are still strongly marked by the psychiatric discourse, which is acknowledged and demanded as having exclusive legitimacy in such scenario, interpreting crisis as an evidence of psychopathology. We, however, propose a notion of crisis that refers to a specific moment in existence and that condenses and updates a series of affections and impasses related to the heterogeneity of factors that are part of life. In this sense, we regain the symbolic dimension that intervenes
in that event and privilege it as a resource for accessing the subject and the different modalities of care that oppose the psychiatric discursive logic.



How to Cite

Dassoler VA, Palombini A de L. Care for crisis in contemporaneity: challenges in the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 23 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];44(especial 3 out):278-91. Available from: