The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform as a struggle for recognition and moral progress



Deinstitutionalization. Social desirability. Développement moral. Ethics.


Based on a work of approximation and conceptual re-elaboration between the theory of recognition and the paradigm of deinstitutionalization, we sought to highlight the features that make it possible to portray the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform as a struggle for the recognition and moral progress of society. Thus, in addition to contributing with empirical material for the recognition theory theses and expanding the normativity of the concept of recognition, is intended to collaborate for the theoretical development of the
deinstitutionalization process and for the efforts aimed at reviving the struggles of the anti-asylum collective to transit through structural and conjunctural impasses.



How to Cite

Mezza M, Torrenté M de ON de. The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform as a struggle for recognition and moral progress. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 23 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];44(especial 3 out):235-49. Available from: