Between Caps AD and Therapeutic Communities: care from the perspective of users of Caps AD



Harm reduction. Illicit drugs. Therapy.


The debate regarding care models for problematic users of alcohol and other drugs has increased in Brazilian public policies. Based on the discussion on the abstinence and harm reduction paradigms, we sought to investigate the relationships and meanings that users attribute to such paradigms through the use of Therapeutic Communities and Psychosocial Care Centers for Alcohol and Drugs. For that, we used the semi-structured interview methodology with users of the mental health network who had already used the services mentioned above. In addition, the meanings attributed to the concept of harm reduction were investigated. It was found that the use of these services has points of convergence and divergence and that the moments of searching for each service are not related only to a demand for treatment. It was also observed a weak understanding of the concept of harm reduction and the presence of an abstinence ideal in the search for treatment. This research hopes to contribute to the expansion of mental health practices mainly, in the Brazilian Unified Health System. 



How to Cite

Quintas’ AC de MO, Tavares P dos SPB. Between Caps AD and Therapeutic Communities: care from the perspective of users of Caps AD . Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 23 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];44(especial 3 out):198-209. Available from: