Quality of psychiatric hospitalization services in general hospitals in Argentina, 2018


  • Sara E. Ardila-Gómez Universidad de Buenos Aires https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0022-7438
  • Marina A. Fernández Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5767-4047
  • José Bertagni Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR)
  • Lucía Dinolfo Dirección de Salud Mental Comunitaria
  • Lucía Galíndez Universidade Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)
  • Mónica Prado Hospital General Las Heras
  • Melina L. Rosales Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)


Hospitals, general. Psychiatric department, hospital. Health evaluation. Mental health.


Objective: To evaluate, based on the human rights and community care frameworks, the quality of
hospitalization psychiatric services in general hospitals. Methods: Multisite, descriptive observational study. There were analyzed four psychiatric hospitalization services, located in general hospitals of urban districts with different sizes in Argentina. Data collection included analysis of statistical records, non-participant observations of services, and interviews with service managers, service staff and users. The observation and interview guides were based on two international tools: Idea project interview guide, and QRTK of the WHO. Results were analyzed using two main categories: human rights-based care approach and community orientation of care delivery. Results: Regarding human rights-based care, legal capacity is the right that requires more improvement in services. About community orientation of care, different strategies were observed, with the work with the families as the most common. Conclusions: One aspect that requires further research is the specific type of psychiatric hospitalization service in the general hospital, given the fact that some differences in process and results were observed between general and specialized wards.



How to Cite

Ardila-Gómez SE, Fernández MA, Bertagni J, Dinolfo L, Galíndez L, Prado M, et al. Quality of psychiatric hospitalization services in general hospitals in Argentina, 2018. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];45(128 jan-mar):54-65. Available from: https://saudeemdebate.emnuvens.com.br/sed/article/view/3676