Psychosocial care and good living: experience report of a Singular Therapeutic Project by the dimensions of Gross National Happiness


  • Roberto Tykanori Kinoshita Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
  • Alexandre Teixeira Trino Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
  • Cristina Soares Guimarães Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz)
  • Carolina Aires de Castro Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Carlos Augusto Magal (Caps Magal)
  • Christiane Moema Alves Sampaio Prado Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Carlos Augusto Magal (Caps Magal)


Mental Health Services. Mental health. Hapiness.


This article is an experience report of the elaboration and implementation of a Singular Therapeutic Project (STP) in the Psychosocial Care Center (PSCC) in the city of Rio de Janeiro. We will approach the care model adopted in the PSCC from its institutional political project, which stands out for the organization of psychosocial care around work processes established by the incorporation of STP through the dimensions of Gross Internal Happiness (GIH) and the concept of well-living. As in a case study of exploratory character, we will describe, through the concept of socio-materiality, innovations in the organization and care practices. STP is presented both by the instrumental and social dimension, through the protagonism of managers, professionals and users in the challenge of elaborating a care technology from differentiated bases and by theoretical and practical assumptions that dialogue the basic guidelines of psychosocial care with the dimensions of GIH. The culmination of this strategy aims at the formulation of projects for Happiness by the STP, as a bet on the reflection of current context of life of PSCC users and their possibilities in the production of new subjectivity of subjects/citizens proactive for well living in the territory and community where they live.



How to Cite

Kinoshita RT, Trino AT, Guimarães CS, Castro CA de, Prado CMAS. Psychosocial care and good living: experience report of a Singular Therapeutic Project by the dimensions of Gross National Happiness. Saúde debate [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 23 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];44(especial 3 out):320-32. Available from: